Selasa, 08 November 2016

My diary!

One and a Half...

It's been almost more than a year, I have not been writing anything over here. I used to visit my blog once in evey month and at every visit I felt like I should start writing now.

I used to think that I should write my heart out even if it's about all the pain that I've gone through. The worst pain that anyone can go through is the pain of being misunderstood by your loved ones. I felt like I should write my heart out even if it's about all the happiness that I received and shared. But the pain, struggle and all the sadness was much more as compared to those happy moments, it made me think like how can I describe all that pain in words. I tried sharing it with few, but it's impossible to make someone understand that how painful situation it was for me. But there were two who were always there to cheer me up.

I'm still not able to forget those days.

But after an year, came few happy moments. I received so much love and care and I'm still receiving it and I'm loving it !!

I wish those happy moments to be there with me forever. I wish that the love and care that I'm getting now never ends.

Finally, today I felt like I should write now. Don't know when I'll post again, but today I feel like I'm the luckiest of all. Everything happens for a reason and life goes on. Once you figure out why all that happened, you will never ever feel that pain you used to feel, when you were alone.

Happy reading everyone, enjoy !!! 

2 komentar:

  1. Assalamu'alaikum, Falvita, nice blog, but I have not found the "Page" as I talked in the classroom. add it . consider the title, post more make link with media fire, i wait

  2. waalaikumsalam wr.wb, yes Sir.. I'll add the "page" soon as you talked in the classroom. Thanks.
