Selasa, 08 November 2016

My diary!

One and a Half...

It's been almost more than a year, I have not been writing anything over here. I used to visit my blog once in evey month and at every visit I felt like I should start writing now.

I used to think that I should write my heart out even if it's about all the pain that I've gone through. The worst pain that anyone can go through is the pain of being misunderstood by your loved ones. I felt like I should write my heart out even if it's about all the happiness that I received and shared. But the pain, struggle and all the sadness was much more as compared to those happy moments, it made me think like how can I describe all that pain in words. I tried sharing it with few, but it's impossible to make someone understand that how painful situation it was for me. But there were two who were always there to cheer me up.

I'm still not able to forget those days.

But after an year, came few happy moments. I received so much love and care and I'm still receiving it and I'm loving it !!

I wish those happy moments to be there with me forever. I wish that the love and care that I'm getting now never ends.

Finally, today I felt like I should write now. Don't know when I'll post again, but today I feel like I'm the luckiest of all. Everything happens for a reason and life goes on. Once you figure out why all that happened, you will never ever feel that pain you used to feel, when you were alone.

Happy reading everyone, enjoy !!! 


(“Pronouns: possessive ( my, mine, your, yours, etc.)” from English Grammar Today © Cambridge University Press.)

How to speak English Fluently

How To Speak English Fluently



How to speak English fluently? AJ Hoge is the “World’s #1 English Teacher”.  He answers student questions about learning English faster, improving pronunciation, becoming a fluent speaker, improving writing, and more. AJ teaches you how to speak English fluently.  In this video, he also talks about the Effortless English Pronunciation Course (for American pronunciation).


The new Pronunciation Course teaches you to speak with a clear American accent.  You learn how to be understood by everyone.


In this video, AJ also talks about his upcoming book about making great Presentations and Speeches in English too.  Speaking fluently while making a presentation is difficult.  How do you overcome nervousness?
Finally, AJ discusses the Effortless English VIP program— his top English learning program.  This program is for very motivated English learners.  It is the top Effortless English program.


The Simian Line

Aku dan Tanganku (Simian Line)

 Hay, aku FalvitaLovenDhea Simian Line:)
Ada yang tahu, Simian Line itu apa?

Yup, secara garis besar artinya single transverse palmar crease atau lipatan garis tangan yang melintang tunggal. Jika orang normal biasa pasti mempunyai garis tangan yang terputus dan bercabang. Coba cek garis tangan masing-masing. Tapi Simian Line itu garis tangannya memanjang tanpa putus dan tidak bercabang. Ada beberapa definisi maupun penjelasan tentang Simian Line. Bisa dicari di google, tapi kalau penasaran bisa dicari bukunya.
Sudah hampir sekitar 19 tahun ini saya bertanya-tanya tentang perbedaan garis tangan kanan saya dengan garis tangan kiri. Bahkan garis tangan kanan saya berbeda dengan orang pada umumnya. Mereka mempunyai garis tangan yang sama antara kanan dan kiri. Sedangkan saya tidak. Garis telapak tangan kanan saya memanjang tanpa putus dan tidak bercabang. Awalnya saya merasa biasa-biasa saja. Anggap sebagai anugerah yang unik. Karena berbeda itu indah. Menurut saya.
Suatu hari saya mengikuti sebuah acara semacam training motivation di kampus. Sang trainer menyuruh kami untuk melihat dengan seksama kedua telapak tangan. Dia berkata bahwa kedua telapak tangan kita mempunyai tanda Asmaul Husna. Perhatikan telapak tangan kanan, di sana ada angka 18 dalam huruf arab. Lalu telapak tangan kiri ada angka 81 dalam huruf arab. Sang trainer pun berkata bahwa jika kedua angka tersebut dijumlahkan akan menjadi 99. Jumlah Asmaul Husna. Subhanallah. Itu artinya setiap manusia sudah diberi tanda oleh Allah SWT bahwa mereka adalah milik-Nya.
Hati saya bergetar. Tapi sesaat kemudian saya menjadi bertanya-tanya. Telapak tangan kanan saya tidak mempunyai tanda angka 18. Ada apa ini? Kenapa telapak tangan saya berbeda dengan yang lain? Saya semakin gusar dan sedih. Tapi saya yakin, itu hanya sebagian kecil dari tanda-tanda adanya Allah SWT di dalam tubuh kita.
Kembali lagi ke Simian Line. Beberapa bulan yang lalu tanpa sengaja saya membaca postingan dari Mas Andy di sini. Beliau bercerita tentang tangannya yang berbeda. Setelah membaca postingannya saya jadi tahu bahwa telapak tangan saya itu adalah Simian Line. Kaget dan kembali tercenung sambil memperhatikan telapak tangan kanan. Saya cepat-cepat cari di google (sang mbah segala mahluk maya). Banyak postingan bertebaran tentang Simian Line di sana. Bahkan ada forum khusus dalam bahasa Inggris bagi orang-orang yang Simian Line loh. Grup Facebook untuk Simian Line Indonesia juga ada.
Ada dua garis besar penjelasan mengenai Simian Line. Dari segi medis dan palmistryatau ilmu membaca garis tangan. Mau tau?

Segi Medis
Jadi dalam segi medis, orang normal pada umumnya memiliki dua garis utama di permukaan telapak tangannya yakni Head Line (yang berawal diantara jempol dengan telunjuk, terus ke bagian tengah telapak tangan) dan Heart Line (yang berawal di bawah kelingking). Nah, garis tangan kanan saya justru menyambung jadi satu antara Head Line dan Heart Line. Garis seperti itu dinamakan Simian Line, yang konon ini adalah nama dari sejenis monyet yang memiliki garis tangan tersebut. Demi Allah SWT dan Rasulullah saya bukan keturunan monyet :((
Simian line hanya terjadi pada 1 dari 30 orang atau sekitar 3% dari populasi manusia di dunia dan 14% dari populasi orang Asia. Jelas sudah bahwa saya memang mahluk yang sangat langka. Menurut medis, single palmar transverse ini bisa ditemukan pada orang yang memiliki kelainan seperti Down syndromeAarskog syndrome, Cohen syndrome, Fetal alcohol syndromeTrisomy 13Rubella syndromeTurner syndromeKlinefelter syndromePseudohypoparathyroidismGonadal dysgenesis dan Cri du chat syndrome. Sumpah, saya tidak memiliki salah satu dari kelainan tersebut, saya 100% normal secara jiwa dan raga. Jika tidak, mungkin saya tidak akan lulus tes masuk di Institut Negri satu-satunya di Bukittinggi ini. Hahaha.....

Segi Palmistry
Sedangkan dalam segi palmistry, orang yang memiliki Simian Line ibarat pedang bermata dua. Menyatunya garis kepala dan garis hati konon menunjukkan bahwa orang tersebut susah memisahkan antara emosi (garis hati) dan rasio (garis kepala). Orang dengan Garis Simian cenderung memiliki emosi yang ekstrim, sangat energik, sangat kreatif. Jika garisnya lebih tinggi di tangan, itu berarti orang tersebut lebih dikuasai emosi. Jika garisnya lebih rendah di tangan, orang tersebut cenderung lebih dikuasai pikiran mereka. Orang Simian Line  biasanya sulit untuk menyeimbangkan emosi mereka dengan logika. Selain itu, orang bergaris tangan tunggal memiliki sifat tegas, keras kepala (egois), (katanya) hidup mereka kesepian karena karakter yang meledak-ledak ini. Eeeemmmm, ada benarnya juga :D

Di satu sisi orang seperti ini bisa punya kemampuan kuat untuk memfokuskan diri pada satu hal tertentu, namun di sisi lain punya kecenderungan untuk melakukan sesuatu tanpa pikir panjang, hiper aktif, agresif dan cenderung tidak sabaran. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa sekalinya sukses akan sangat sukses, namun sekalinya terpuruk akan sangat terpuruk. Wallahu'alam bi shawab. Sepertinya saya pun seringkali demikian. Karena kemampuannya untuk terfokus pada satu hal, seringkali orang dengan simian lines mudah mencapai apa yang sudah menjadi keinginannya. Namun demikian di sisi lain ia juga sering menghadapi lebih banyak cobaan dibandingkan orang kebanyakan.
Kiri (Thom Yorke) - Tengah (Tony Blair) - Kanan (Robert De Niro's)
Konon dengan karakteristiknya ini orang dengan Simian Line banyak mengubah dunia baik untuk kebaikan maupun untuk keburukan. Beberapa tokoh dunia seperti PM Inggris Tony Blair, mantan PM Rusia Nikita Kruschev, penulis John Steinbeck, Henry Miller, Thom Yorke, Robert De Niro’s, Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Muhammad Ali. Saya sih belum bisa mengubah dunia, dengan berbagai keahlian dan kebaikan. Sekarang sedang memperbaiki diri sendiri dulu, baru setelah itu mari manfaatkan tangan ini untuk berbuat baik untuk perubahan dari yang terkecil sampai dunia ke arah yang lebih damai.

Apapun yang dijelaskan mengenai Simian Line dari segi medis maupun palmistry, saya hanya bisa berkata "Alhamdulillahirrabila'alamiin..". Seperti apapun bentuk garis tangan saya, ini adalah anugerah Allah SWT. Lalu mau menjadi seperti apa saya nanti, semoga tangan ini menjadi penggerak untuk terus membantu orang lain dalam kebaikan.Happiness is only real when it shared.

Jadi, bagaimana dengan bentuk garis tangan kalian? Adakah yang sama seperti saya? :)

The British Accent



Learn to read and speak with a fluent British Accent and be clearly understood. Learn the London accent. (Thames Estuary accent.)
  • SEE clearly how the British Accent is spoken.
  • Read and speak English words with a flawless British accent.
  • Practice your British accent until it is perfect.
  • Learn how to speak with a British accent without extra help. (All you need is the PDF eBook and occasional internet access.)
  • Improve your written English.

British Accent
Learn a British Accent

Are you learning English? Learn how to speak with a fluent British accent in weeks rather than years. The London accent is easy to learn.
This British accent training course, called ‘Practice Reading and Speaking’ will help you learn to freely pronounce words with a perfect British accent. It is an eBook in PDF form and can be instantly downloaded for use on any device that contains a PDF reader.It is a quick, effective guide to fluent British pronunciation. It contains useful advice on how adults and kids can learn to speak and read English words with a fluent British accent. Free audio downloads are not needed in order to learn to speak with a British accent fluently. Learn how to speak and read English words with confidence. Develop a British English accent quickly. Learn to speak with a London accent by learning English phonics.


A new way to practice reading and speaking with a fluent British accent has been developed. This unique British accent course helps you learn to speak with a fluent British accent at a rapid pace. It helps kids and adults learn to read English words and speak with a fluent British accent. Free audio downloads are not needed in order to learn to speak with a British accent fluently. With this remarkable eBook you can learn how to speak and read English words with confidence and develop a fluent British accent quickly.
You no longer have to move to the UK to learn to speak with a fluent British accent. This printable eBook (PDF) gives very simple instructions on how to learn British pronunciation and speak with a fluent British accent. As an English pronunciation and British accent course, it’s based on the fluent British accent spoken in London and its surrounding areas. So, it’s the British accent that the world is most familiar with. (Better known as the Estuary accent; it’s a commonly spoken version of ‘received pronunciation’.) Received pronunciation or Queen’s English used to be spoken by the Queen but if you listen to her speaking now, her British accent is closer to the Estuary British accent taught in the eBook ‘Practice Reading and Speaking’.


The best way to learn how to speak with a fluent British accent and learn British pronunciation is with written instruction in your own home. You need to know how English words work and how to split words into their component sounds (phonics). This is how British children learn to read and is the most effective way to learn to speak with a fluent British accent. Lessons are free too as you will be teaching yourself. This British accent course won’t cloud your mind with technical jargon. You can learn to speak with a fluent British accent in 70 days. (Just practice one page per day.) This British accent course encourages rapid progress. If your objective is to learn to speak with a fluent British accent quickly, simply and as cheaply as possible, this British accent eBook is perfect for you. It also contains detailed teaching notes and lots of hints and tips on how to speak with a fluent British accent, to help you succeed.


Were you aware that twenty-one simple words contain all of the sounds heard in English? By perfecting these sounds, your British accent will sound more natural. All of the words except one have just one syllable. One word has two syllables. The pronunciation assessment found in this eBook lists the words and breaks them up into sounds. Just type the 21 words into a free online fluent British accent pronunciation talking dictionary. Listen carefully and imitate the individual sounds in each word. Next, complete the course in the eBook. The sounds that you have just listened to are repeated in many different ways throughout the course. These are the ONLY sounds in the English language. They are just ordered in many different ways. This simple method and way of linking sounds to English spelling makes it easy to learn to speak with a fluent British accent. This British accent eBook boosts progress and memory. No other audio files are needed in order to refine your fluent British accent. It really is that simple. Save yourself hours of work when you learn to speak with a fluent British accent.


This British accent course explains the facts of how a British accent works. Learn how phonics works and you’ll understand how a fluent British accent works. It’s easier than you think. Learn to speak with a fluent British accent, one sound at a time. All you need to know about phonetics (without the technical jargon and the need to learn the phonetic alphabet) is there for you to discover.
When you can say every sound spoken with a British accent perfectly, you’ll just need to practice saying the sounds in different orders, at different speeds and in a wide variety of words. Seeing a word and knowing how it should sound with a British accent will become easy. You won’t need to constantly ask others how to pronounce a word. You can search for the word in the eBook and SEE how it’s pronounced in a British accent. Keeping a copy of the eBook on your phone, means that you will always have a guide to a fluent British accent and British pronunciation at hand.
By the time you’ve reached Module 39 (about half way through the course), you should have a complete understanding of English phonics and how a British accent works. From that point on, it’s a simple matter of widening out your practice vocabulary to give you a large core of words that you can speak with a fluent British accent. You’ll find yourself looking at words and seeing them in their component sounds. A British accent will be second nature.


Whatever method you’re using to learn to speak with a fluent British accent, this powerful British English pronunciation practice course book gives accurate instruction, quickly. Support while you learn to read and write English and learn how to speak with a fluent British accent is comprehensive. All British English language courses will benefit from the clear, precise and detailed pronunciation instruction on how to speak with a British accent that this book gives.
This fluent British accent course will teach you, guide you and answer your questions about correct British pronunciation. It links words that are simple to pronounce, with words that are difficult. By learning how each part of the word sounds, you will have laid the foundation for being able to speak with a fluent British accent. A natural, British accent can be easily developed with the right help at the right time and sufficient pronunciation practice.
The eBook’s direct approach will allow you to focus on how to speak with a fluent British accent, rather than the translation of words. As a British English language course for fluent reading and speaking, it gives the reader precise British accent guidelines. It orders the British accent practice words by difficulty and introduces new spellings of sounds in approximately the same order as an English child learns to read.
ALL of the sounds that you hear when you learn to speak with a fluent British accent, along with over 1,000 ways of spelling them have been included. Over 10,000 words contained in the 70 page British accent course (178 pages in the eBook) cover every combination of sounds in the English language.
Remember, one step at a time will help you to reach your goal of a fluent British accent. If you can’t say the individual sounds in English correctly, followed by the individual words, how will you be able to speak in sentences with a fluent British accent? You may already be able to read all of the words in the course in your own accent, but your objective is to go back to the beginning and learn to how to read the words at speed, with a British accent this time, until you have a natural British accent. To see how to learn a fluent British accent and practice it one step at a time without confusion, preview the contents here.
As a completely thorough and detailed guide on how to speak with a fluent British accent, this ESL English language course includes teaching notes, reading tests and resources for parents and teachers. It even helps parents prepare a pre-school child for reading. In fact, it’s the perfect way to teach reading and Basic English, giving lots of useful hints and tips. No age group or English language need has been left out of the book. Children can obtain an adult reading age and everyone can learn to speak with a fluent British accent. Learn to write English fluently too.
In addition to learning to speak with a British accent, Practice Reading and Speaking can be used as an English reference guide. As an English dictionary of phonics it indexes sounds and all of their different spellings. Besides being a reading and pronunciation instruction course, this British accent course is probably the most useful English book and guide to family literacy that you will ever buy. At this moment in time, I know of no other book that is as simple to follow, yet as comprehensive as this British accent eBook. Support is offered via email if it is needed, however no-one so far has needed it, this British accent eBook answers all of the readers’ questions on how to speak with a fluent British accent.


Learning British English pronunciation and a fluent British accent is an assimilation of facts and experience gained over a lifetime. In the ‘Practice Reading and Speaking’ British accent training guide, a lifetime of knowledge of the English language and of schooling, living, working and teaching in the London area is condensed by the author into one book.
‘Practice Reading & Speaking’ is suitable for both children and adults. Images illustrate the sounds and make it simple to learn how to speak English with a British accent. Even a four year old child can learn how to read English words and learn how to speak with a British accent. It really is that easy.
Easy explanations make learning the English language and how to speak English with a fluent British accent simple.  Everything you need to know about phonics and a British accent is said in as few words as possible. All the tips you need on how to speak with a fluent British accent are included.
Every word in this British accent course has been categorised to aid speech and help you practice English speaking. To learn British pronunciation this way, means that your British accent will quickly become clearer and easier to understand. You are learning one sound at a time and linking the English spelling to its sound. You have the sound in your head already, so looking at the combination of letters that sounds the same is simple.
A British accent is simple to learn when explained clearly, precisely and in a structured way. Every word in English can be explained by means of sound and spelling (even though at times there may be only one example of the spelling of the sound). Practice Reading and Speaking eliminates confusion over which part of the word says which sound. Every part of every word is explained and has its place in this outstanding British accent English course. Learning a fluent British accent has never been so easy.


This ESL British accent reading and speaking course is packed with detail. The words most commonly used when reading and speaking English can be found near the beginning. Long words that you may find in an encyclopaedia are at the end of the course.  It’s easy to see how to speak English and read English words with a fluent British accent. Choose how much detail you want to discover when learning how to read English and how to speak English or just read what you see. The choice is yours. It’s called Practice Reading and Speaking because fluency in reading and pronunciation of English words needs practice. This British accent course gives you lots of specific British accent practice words that have been grouped by sound.


Each phonics and British accent lesson brings you one step closer to a fluent British accent. It builds on what you already know. A useful chart helps to monitor your own progress and see at a glance what’s left to learn. By the end of the course, your experience with segmenting words into their sound components, will help you to pronounce difficult words accurately and with a perfect, fluent British accent every time. You will also be able to read and speak English words as fluently as any native British English speaker. Speaking with a fluent natural British accent is obtainable within weeks rather than years.
If you’re learning English and a British accent to improve your job prospects or learning English to improve your communication at work this is the perfect course for you. Maybe you live in England and hope to become a British Citizen. This fluent British accent course will help you to reach your goal. It contains pronunciation help and assistance with written English. All that’s left for you to do is to listen to natural British English speakers as often as you can and practice speaking with a fluent British accent. When you can pronounce each word correctly and at speed, your pronunciation of the links between words will transform into a fluent British accent.